Hello Everyone ! This is my first blog and my opening post…
Wish you all a very Happy New Year! Let us all welcome this year 2021 with new hope, new beginnings and a fresh start. Last year, the Covid-19 pandemic gripped the world, paused our lives and forced us to reset our lifestyles. Schools were shut, offices were closed, restaurants put up the shutters and many people are still working from home and taking care of their family. The precautionary measures of this pandemic ensured that we got time to spend with our family. I especially cherish the time I’ve got in last ten months with my 20 months old daughter who would be otherwise in a day care facility while I crunched ideas in my office; leaving us with crammed weekends where I would plan many activities together to spend time as a family. Every cloud has a silver lining and the declared lockdown proved to be a blessing in disguise as I could be with my daughter in her baby years.
Like many of you, I too tried to keep my toddler busy and entertained by playing lot of indoor games such as hide & seek, flash cards, word games, puzzles, building blocks, singing nursery rhymes and reading books. We have bonded so well. She tries to imitate how I read my magazines. She picks up her books, starts flipping the pages and looks at the pictures. I observed that she makes faces and blabbers something, acts as if she is reading them. I knew then my little pumpkin loves reading books and enjoys them. These books and magazines were her window to the world outside and she readily spent ample time at this window gazing out at the world. These books have acted as catalyst in enhancing our bond and they keep my sweetheart happy, busy and curious!
It dawned upon me it is time to start nurturing my daughter’s interest so I ordered many books for her online and read to her every day. Since then it is our ritual now to read at least twice a day or at all the times when she comes to me with book in her hand. Of all the books I ordered, few have become her favorite and few I realized are not interesting for a toddler. And this inspired me to share my experience and review these books to make it easy for parents to decide which book to buy for their little munchkin!!
I read many articles on how to write a blog, what to write, how to find your niche as there is too much information online; making it very difficult to decide on something interesting. I came across this wonderful site www.theblogstarter.com which provides easy steps and guides through the complete process of writing and creating a new blog post. Do check it out!
Without further ado, let’s get started …. I am so excited to share my thoughts and review my daughter’s the favorite book of the lot:
Mr. Brown Can MOO!! Can you? Dr. Seuss’s Book of Wonderful Noises!!
Mr. Brown Can MOO!! Can You???